1.01 NAME
The name of this organization shall be known as: Sisterhood Softball League
The objectives of this league shall be:
Promoting the best interests of Muslim Women in the Greater Toronto Area to Live, Play and Connect. To foster, develop and encourage an interest in sports and recreation, in particular, softball
within the Muslim Women community to:
- Endorse a healthy active lifestyle
- Foster Goodwill and the spirit of true sportsmanship/sisterhood
- Develop self-discipline, responsibility and leadership
- Provide a non-judgmental environment which empowers Muslim women to excel in their personal development
- Organize softball games, tournaments and social events to facilitate an enjoyable platform for players where they can develop strong relationships within the community
- Provide appropriate tools so that every player will want to return, year over year
The voting members of this league shall elect an executive board, composed of the CHAIR, VICE CHAIR, SECRETARY, TREASURER, ASSISTANT TREASURER, LEAGUE COMMISSIONER, and MARKETING DIRECTOR, who shall serve for a period of three (3) years.
- President/ Chair/ Commissioner
- Scheduling, booking and moderating of all SSL meetings
- Curating and distribution of meeting agenda, 24 hours prior to its schedule
- Maintenance of action item log and task assignments & follow ups
- Maintenance of current member mailing list, and creation of SSL WhatsApp Groups
- Website maintenance and updates
- Outline the yearly sponsorship packages, source sponsorship committee, confirm sponsors and obtain sponsor logos
- Obtain SPN insurance for SSL season members
- Creation and distribution of AGM Report
- Conduct end of the season post mortem and lessons learned
Director of Operations
- Be the SSL Board advisor of league rules and regulations
- Plan, manage and maintain league equipment
- Outline game schedule
- Source scorekeeping volunteers and manage the scorekeeping committee
- Create and manage scorekeeping volunteer calendar and provide data weekly data to the Board for website and social media updates
- Lead planning and logistics for the season play-offs
- Coordination, distribution, collection and storing of all team equipments
- Planning and leading SSL Board appreciation event
- Sourcing of league Umps and Photographer
Director of Administration/ Secretary
- Responsible for keeping an accurate record of all SSL meetings
- Management and distribution of meeting minutes
- Acquiring volunteers for events committee
- Creating SSL events calendar for the year
- Execution of planned and approved events throughout the year
- Booking of facilities and fields
- Purchasing of the team Jersey and all related tasks
- Planning and leading of SSL Clinics
- Coordinate the purchasing of Awards and Trophies
Director of Finance/ Treasurer
- Creation of season budget proposal and outline registration fees
- Record and track member payments
- Record and Track sponsor payment and issue invoices
- Sourcing and management of fundraiser committee volunteers
- Creation of fundraising events for the year
- Management of SSL Bank accounts and monthly reconciliations
- Coordination of expense and reimbursements
- Approval and tracking of new budget request and distribution of funds
- End of the year tax filings
Director of Communications
- Management of all external communications and be the spokesperson for the SSL league
- Management of SSL email account and ensuring timely communication is being sent out
- Responsible for producing all SSL write-ups for other Board Members, SSL tasks and/or events
- Manage list of current teams and communications
- Plan and lead Opening Day Event
- Member of the Complaints Management committee and follow all complaints process and procedures
- Maintain Complaint logs and communications with the Board
- Draft weekly Halaqah and communication SSL announcements
- Management and maintenance of SSL Board Google Drive
Director of Strategy
- Be the advisor to the board on league development and expansion
- Plan for future growth and new expansion opportunities
- Source Grant committee volunteers and manage grant application schedule
- Apply for available grants and seek future opportunities
- Acquire summer external interns to assist with specific league operational areas
- Creation, distribution and curation of SSL league surveys
- Seek media, branding and collaboration opportunities
- Plan and lead SSL Assessment day
- Creation and distribution of AGM Report
Director of Marketing
- Be the advisor to the Board for publicity, social media presence, branding
- Increasing SSL’s digital footprint
- Create league related graphics, management and distribution of social media content
- Source social media volunteers and manage social media committee
- Creation and management of social media volunteer calendar
- Creation and management of social media post schedule
- Management of all SSL Logos and creation of new logos if required
- Coordination of team pictures and obtaining social media waivers
- Plan and lead SSL Tournament
- To initiate, determine, or repeal legislation, policy or activity of or pertaining to the league.
- To select officers of the league to insure the operation of the league.
- To appoint committees for any designated purpose.
- To develop and adopt an annual budget for the next fiscal year and the levying of fees for each player and sponsors, with bids required for all purchases.
- Provide proper insurance for players, coaches and umpires and league officers.
- Set up sign‐up and try‐out dates.
- Approve all league schedules, set all game and tournament dates.
- Approve all league contracts with schools, city, county districts or vendors or fundraising groups.
- Set uniform standards for all players.
- The board has the power to suspend or disqualify and ban players, coaches, managers, team personnel and family members.
- Approve all league ground rules.
- To make available Charitable fund to be distributed to qualified/approved charities and approved as determined by the current board.
- Organize and Plan annual End of Season event.
All board members will hold office for a minimum of three (3) years and can be re-elected. All Board members may be removed for just cause as submitted in writing and/or petitioned by a league member or member of the board with a two thirds vote of the board, minus the member filing the complaint. Elections are to be held at the Annual Meeting with the outgoing officers handing over files, records, and any equipment (keys, computers, checkbooks, etc.) to incoming officers within 30 days. Newly elected members of the Board of Directors who have not served before shall serve initial one-year terms. At the conclusion of the initial one-year term, members of the Board of Directors may serve additional two year terms. Their terms shall be staggered so that at the time of each annual meeting, the terms of approximately one-third (1/3) of all members of the Board of Directors shall expire.
If a vacancy occurs on the board, such position must be filled within a reasonable time frame determined by the Board. If an appointed position becomes vacant, the president must fill the vacancy within 30 days. The new appointees will fill out the term of office vacated only.
The board will hold Bi-Weekly meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a two thirds majority of the voting members with a two day notice. Special meetings may only be called for a specific topic only. The topic must be made known to each voting member prior to the meeting.
Each of the above board members, both elected and appointed, with the exception of the Commissioner, who votes only in the case of a tie, shall have one vote.
Each team will have a maximum of two votes per team (captain and team representative). If either captain or team representative is absent and unable to vote for any reason, an alternate representative from that team may vote in her absence. No proxy voting is allowed. Either captain or team representative, or their alternative representative, must be present at the AGM.
- Roll
- Agenda Items
- Treasurer's report
- New Business
- Old business – action item list
- Announcements
- Round table and adjournment
- The executive board shall hold an annual general meeting (AGM) with the executive board members and the general public. The meeting is to be held within 30 days of the completion of the recreational season. The board shall post notice of this event on the website of the season giving date, time, place, and purpose.
- The order of business at the AGM shall be as follows:
- Call to order of the open board meeting
- Roll call
- Introduction of guests
- Reports i.Commissioner ii. Treasurer iii. Operations
- Action Items
- Proposals for changes to the bylaws and/or general procedures and specific rules.
- New business
- Adjournment
At all meetings of the board, seventy five (75%) of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business.
This league (SSL) shall not assume, nor be liable for the debts and/or the financial responsibilities either implied or incurred of any player, captains, co-captains, team assistant, league official or umpire, member team or sponsor.
All officers of this league and officials of member teams shall be covered against personal liability claims for performing acts and duties directly related to the work of this league.
In the event that this league (SSL) should be dissolved. All assets remaining after payment all debts shall be turned over to the board and donated.
The league territory shall include all cities and towns located within the boundaries of the Ontario.
SSL will consist of players from 18 years of age and older, including anyone turning 18 that year.
All personnel listed on the roster including coaches, managers, scorekeeper and team players are the only person allowed in the dugout/bench area. Players must be in uniform to be in the designated area. If not, they must take a position as a spectator. These conditions are necessary because of insurance regulations.
2.02 FEES
Annual fees for players are due and payable, unless otherwise provided for by the board, at the time of sign‐ups but no later than the deadline outlined by the board. All payment will be in form of eTransfer to the Sisterhood account submitted
Refunds for withdrawing players will be subject to a $25 administration fee and calculated as follows:
(Season Fees - $25 admin fee - cost of jersey) ÷ number of games left in the season = REFUND AMOUNT
Please note no refunds will be issued after the halfway point of the season.
There will be no alcoholic beverage on or near the playing fields. This includes all of the area surrounding the fields for games and practices. Any person having alcoholic beverages will leave immediately. There will be no tobacco or vaping in the dugout, or within proximity of the playing field. If noted, umpires and/or league officials will take the necessary steps to correct the situation
Umpires shall be licensed.
Any player, captain, co-captain, umpire, sponsor, family or anyone connected with a softball team registered with the league shall be subject to suspension as described below:
- Physically or verbally (swearing in any language) or assaulting an umpire or an official of the league and/or player and/or persons involved with play;
- For the deliberate violation of any rules of the league;
- Fraud and/or slander against the league
- Financial irresponsibility against the league:
- Equipment
- Uniforms
- Fundraising
- Players ejected more than one time during league games.
- Right of appeal – individual has the right of appeal suspensions within 7 days
- Players – as per 3.0
Until reinstated by the board for violations of section 3.00
Upon presentation from a league official to the board of a violation of Sec. 3.00, a hearing must be heard by two thirds of the Resolution Committee.
The person must be notified within 5 days in advance in writing or verbally from the board of the hearing with the time, date, and place of such hearing.
After hearing the evidence, the board with the aid of the bylaws and operating procedures of SSL rules and regulations, will make the decision based upon rule interpretation.
Anyone suspended by SSL for a playing violation may appeal the decision within 7 days to the League Commissioner.
- Chair & Commissioner - Maryam Dadabhoy
- Director of Finance - Mahma Hoda
- Director of Strategy - Maleeha Nasri
- Director of Communications - Maria Hasan
- Director of Marketing - Saleha Ahmed
- Director of Operations - Sumayyah Mahmood
- Director of Administration - Sameera Tayabali