As salaamu Alaykum!
In order to better prepare you for the upcoming season, here is a list of FAQ
How do I pick my glove? - You will need a baseball/softball glove. We recommend going into a sports store, as they have a wider selection and expertise that can help you select one that fits your hand right. **PLEASE LABEL YOUR GLOVE** - Gloves look very similar and to avoid confusion (that has happened in the past), please clearly label your glove.
What type of shoes should I wear? - Cleats are not mandatory but are highly recommended. They help with the grip of your feet as you run. Please note that metal cleats are not allowed.
Do I need to bring a bat? - SSL provides a few bats for players use. Some players chose to bring their own bats, as they feel it helps with their performance. Out of courtesy, if you don’t have your own bat, please use the league provided bats, and not other players’ bats (bats deteriorate with wear and tear)
Do I need any other gear? (Please note these are all optional)
Protective masks for pitchers and back catchers are provided by SSL, and they are optional.
Shin guards can provide added protection to pitchers
Batting helmets can provide extra protection if required
Batting gloves can provide a better grip (batting gloves are a commonly used item)
What type of clothes should I wear? The league will provide a jersey to all players. In order to provide maximum flexibility for all players preferences, the jerseys will be sleeveless, as they provide a longer and looser fit. Players can wear their choice of short or long sleeved shirts underneath. As it can get hot during game times, we recommend purchasing a light, moisture wick shirt to wear underneath
Anything else I should bring? - Please bring liquids for hydration, a hat, sunglasses and sunblock for protection from the sun.
What about extreme weather? - Games will only be cancelled in the event of lightning, or if the fields playing conditions are unsafe. Otherwise games will continue in the rain. Please dress appropriately.
If I need to bring my kids, what should I bring for them? - Please dress your children according to weather. There is a park and bathroom at the field, but also bring equipment for them to keep themselves busy. Children are not allowed in the dugout or on the diamond at any time, so please explain this to them.
How are teams decided? Can I request to be on the same team as a friend? - Sisterhood Softball aims to create a fair and balanced playing environment for all players. All players will undergo an assessment and be placed on teams strategically. Therefore we unfortunately cannot make any player accommodations.
I have to carpool with someone, can we be on a team together? - Again, we cannot make any player accommodations. You will be added to a team whatsapp group once teams are finalized later this month. Feel free to use your team whatsapp group to find a carpooler.
When are practices? - Each team captain will coordinate a practice based on majority of their teams availability. Practices help improve team chemistry and performance, so we recommend trying your best to attend practices.
What if I can’t make it to a game? - You must communicate in advance with your team captain as all teams must play with a minimum of 10 players. Advance notice will allow for your captain to arrange for subs accordingly. As a reminder, all players agreed not to miss more than 3 games during the season to allow for development of team performance and chemistry.
Where will we be playing? - All games will be held in South Mississauga
When should I arrive for my game? - Team captains will suggest arriving at your game at least 30 minutes prior to game start. This will allow you enough time to get settled, warm up and practice.
How long are games? - Games are scheduled for 90 minutes, but may end earlier as new innings do not start when there is less than 15 minutes left for the game. Every game will usually be 4 or 5 innings
What is the game format? - There will be 4 games held every Sunday, with 2 games from 8am-9:30am, and 2 games from 9:30am-11am. Your team will alternate between game times (so that in a 4 week period, you will have played two earlier games and two later games).
Will there be photography? Pictures are taking during games for marketing and social media purposes. If you would rather not be photographed, please inform your captain.
What if I get injured? - You will be asked to sit out during your injuries. In the event you can no longer play for the remainder of the season, you will be replaced with a sub.
Do you offer refunds? - As clearly indicated on our registration form, we do not offer refunds.
Can my family or friends come and watch the games? - In order to provide a comfortable and private playing environment, SSL allows only female family members or friends to attend games as spectators.
ASSESSMENT (For new players only)
What do I need to bring? - Please come dressed as you would for a game, in comfortable clothing, sports hijab if you prefer, cleats, and most importantly, you must bring your glove!
How can I get a ride? - Carpool options were offered in your RSVP form, you will be contacted to arrange for rides
What should I expect on the day off? - All players will be assessed in various stations - batting, pitching, throwing, running, etc.