Playoffs: Preview Part II
What an incredible quarter-finals! The rain was cold, but the spirit was warm as we heard lots of cheers and an amazing display of team spirit. The nerves were there, the hustle was on and the intensity was apparent.
The top-ranked Mighty Topaz took the game against the Radiant Rubies. The Dynamic Jades’ third win as a team couldn’t come at a better time, as they pulled a stunning upset over the Dazzling Diamonds. In the next set of games, the underdogs also came through as the Blazing Sapphires got the W against the Electric Emeralds. Finally, it was truly a close one with the middle-ranked teams. In the end, the Smashing Amethysts won on a walk-off against the Gritty Garnets.
The semi-final match-up is set: The Mighty Topaz take on the Dynamic Jades , while the Blazing Sapphires face the Smashing Amethysts.
There will be no rest as the winners of the semis will continue on to their first double-header of the season, playing their most important game - the championship!